so, i was watching 'the maxx' today 'cause i just downloaded the first (only?) thirteen episodes : ) either way, as i was watching it with liu, austin and tao, something was said about a dog that triggered my memory of a dream i'd had during a nap today. funny how that happens, but all of a sudden i jumped and said holy shit or osmething....forgetting i wasn't alone.
either way, in this dream, i was in my room, lying down sort of, and if you've been to my room you know i can see my desk from my pillow, and the drawer was different, but it was my desk. instead of a drawer it was more of a cubby thing, and there was this little brown bulldog inside about the size of a nyc rat. it was so weird, and it was barking. i moved, it saw me and ran into the darkness of the cubby/drawer. i searched for some food to entice it out with and found a bag of old fried chicken behind my bed (which is not real, don't worry). i tore off a piece and approached the desk.
this is where it gets weird though. to get full access to the desk, i have to, of course, move my chair. so i move my chair and (try and follow me here) to do it, i like step aside, pull it by me and take my eyes off the cubby for a minute. when i look back at the cubby, the chair is there again! when i look back to where i thought i'd slid the chair to, there's nothing there but my own crapulence littering my room. i move the chair again, and again, it's there. three times i do this. then i try and move the chair WITHOUT taking my eyes off the cubby, but something distracts me (chair hitting my foot or something?) and i look away again, and agian, the chair has reappeared in front of the cubby. it's at this moment that i realize this can't happen, and i realize, for the first time in my life that I'M DREAMING.
this is supposed to be a great revealation for some people, often opening the door to lucid dreaming (which i've blobbed on before, ask if you're curious). for me, however, in this dream (perhaps i was a bit out of know being in my subconscious and all...), instead of jumping out the window and flying to paris on a magic carpet with my newfound freedom from reality, i take my freedom, say fuck the world, and jump back into bed only to wake up later in the real world.
funny. i was on the verge of obtaining possibly freedom to the maxx (not a typo), and all i wanted to do was roll back into bed : ) it's kind of settling in one, i don't need anything else. but at the same time:
God Damn am i a lazy motherfucker!!!
okay, back to studying for my midterm in an hour and a half : )